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Why Greenplum?

A quick intro into the world of DW and GP... In the new world of Internet and Technological Development, data size is on the large and for us to obtain information in a quickie like google, there needs to be massive data centres with huge processing power and large amount of data storage. Storage has evolved over the past few years, but the stuffs thats missing is technology to process the data faster along-with the increase in storage. So with what we have we can either go for high End Processing Server with Large Memory as a single unit, but it will be expensive as well as there will be limitation for the amount of storage and processing power. So we need to find a way in processing the data faster with what is possible for a small enterprise. There comes the chance for databases like Greenplum, Teradata, Vertica, Netezza etc. Why do I say so, because Greenplum Database works on MPP and nothing shared architecture. MPP is Massively Parallel Processing Architecture. Here Greenplu...

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